About Adfolic OD 600mcg Tablet
Adfolic OD 600mcg Tablet is used as a supplement. It helps make healthy blood cells in the body. The deficiency of red blood cells can cause anaemia. Pregnant women are specially administered with Adfolic OD 600mcg Tablet. This medicine helps the spinal cord, skull, and brain of the unborn baby to develop better.
How effective is Adfolic OD 600mcg?
Adfolic OD 600mcg Tablet is a helpful medicine for the development of the fetus in the mother’s womb. Folic Acid is one of the active ingredients. Folic acid is a synthetic form of vitamin B9. So, Adfolic OD 600mcg tablet belongs to the group of medicines known as Vitamin supplements. Adfolic OD 600mcg tablet works by making healthy blood cells that carry oxygen around the body.
What Dosage Should I Take?
The recommended dosage of Adfolic OD 600mcg Tablet for adults, including pregnant and lactating women, is 2 tablets per day.
For adults with folic acid deficiency, the recommended dosage of Adfolic OD 600mcg Tablet is one tablet per day.
Adfolic OD 600mcg is not recommended for and is not effective in children 17 years old or younger.
If you have any questions about Adfolic OD 600mcg, please consult your doctor or pharmacist.
What are the side effects and other warnings when taking Adfolic OD 600mg?
Every product with an active ingredient has side effects, however they rare.
Some common side effects of Adfolic OD 600mcg:
- Sleep disorder
- Stomach upset
- Behavioural changes
- Rash
- Skin reactions
- Seizures
Abdominal cramps
Some severe side effects:
- Nausea
- Gas
Adfolic OD 600mg’s warnings include;
- Please let your doctor know if you are allergic to Adfolic OD 600mcg before using it.
- Share the list of all products (including allopathic and herbal) with your doctor before using Adfolic OD 600mcg tablet.
- Do not use Adfolic OD 600mcg tablet without consulting your doctor if you have liver or renal issues.
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